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KVKK - Law on Protection of Personal Data

There are many rights regarding the protection of people's personal and personal data, which are carried out with the mind of the state and as a result, are protected by laws. Various sanctions and regulations have been established to protect all these rights and data.

The sites or institutions you contact for any subject or need may ask you for some personal information. This has become quite normal. Because now, this information is needed in order to provide a reliable and quality service. This site, which is one of the sites providing services in this regard, also asks you for some information as a result of the followers, likes or views you have purchased.

In order to protect this information you have provided in the most reliable way, we act in accordance with the rules and radical changes can be made to the extent permitted by the legislation.

Legal Protection

Many human rights are protected within the framework of written laws. One of these laws, which was written to protect rights both against other people and against sovereign powers, is the Law on the Protection of Personal Data. Within the framework of this law, it is ensured that the information you have, which constitutes the self-identity of every person and which is impossible to be known by others, is protected.

Many different examples can be given of this information. For example, your TR ID number is a personal data. Also, the credit card number or password you have is personal data. Provided that you use all of your personal data, this protection, which is of course also in question in the institutions and sites served, becomes mandatory.

Personal Information

As the name suggests, personal information is information that is private and confidential for every person. Given the many different examples above, it is an important issue why there is a need to protect this information. This information in question is personal data that we have to prevent others from entering the domain of domination, rather than the sacredness that is sacred to us, just as weapons are something sacred and must be protected for those who do military service.

Thanks to these personal data, it becomes clear who we are and we can be distinguished by various institutions and sites or by the centers we shop. The most important issue is this separation issue. The Law on the Protection of Personal Data is one of the laws that clearly regulates how this data and information, which is specific to each person, will be used and stored.

What are the Reasons for Protection?

There are many different reasons for protecting personal data. We can easily list these reasons on this site. With the service it offers, the site enables people to reach the point they want to have the effect they want and increase their recognition through social media, which is called the television of the new world. It offers the followers, likes, views or the necessary data about this business as a result of some special agreements and information exchanges.

So, what are the services offered by the site?

It gains followers who are Turkish or foreign,
High rates of appreciation are provided,
Trying to increase the number of views,
It is desired to create a channel that attracts people's attention.
Trying to offer all these services to their customers, they have to use some special channels when getting paid for their services or when communicating with their customers. These channels also contain a lot of personal information and data. Otherwise, it can be difficult to contact the customer.

Required Data and Information

Thanks to the information and data required during communication or shopping, necessary services can be provided easily. So, what information can be obtained from the customer, including this site, and why are they being collected? Let's say you're selling followers to a customer.

In return for this, a certain payment will be taken. However, virtual payment is preferred for this. In the developing and changing world, payment methods have also gained differences. Credit cards are used more intensively for virtual payments. When making the payment with this credit card, your card number and your information identifying who you are will need to be taken. Here is a personal data that needs to be protected in the first step.

That's what became a registered information in this personal database. As stated above, the Law on the Protection of Personal Data carries out the rest of this stage. This legislation shows how this information should be protected and under what conditions it can be shared or used.

Purposes of Use of Personal Data

It is also an important issue why your personal data and stored information that you use while shopping or purchasing such virtual services are collected.

These are for example

if additional;

In order to ensure that the service offered reaches the customers in the highest quality,
In order to detect and use many different information from the customer's mobile phone to the address information as a result of the relationship established with the customer as a result of the transactions,
This personal is requested and processed in order to offer the service offered to you personally and as a result to meet your needs.
As a result of bilateral relations established for all these reasons, personal information of people can be obtained and processed. Of course, there are certain limitations in doing this. Provided that these limitations are observed, the data can be processed and used.

Data Responsibilities of Sites

It is important to protect this personal data, which is necessary for the services offered by the sites, and to be closed to access by other people. For this, only various changes and arrangements can be made in accordance with the KVKK No. 6698.

Apart from this, it is unlawful to process or openly present information in a way that is not in the legislation and is unlawful. The actions that can be taken have been specified within the framework of the legislation, and the actions taken outside of this have been tried to be prevented with various sanctions. Only making these changes in the cases and forms specified in the KVKK Law No. 6698 can be evaluated within the framework of the numerus clausus provision.

Because, they can only perform transactions such as opening, transferring, processing these data and information to third parties within the framework of the cases specified in the KVKK No. 6698. This shows that there is a certain limitation and protection.

Sharing Data

Since the service offered is an intensive and comprehensive service, it may be necessary to share the data and information received in various time periods. For example, considering this site in question, it may be necessary to communicate with other centers where the site provides joint services and other institutions that it cooperates with, and to share this information, for the number of followers, likes or views to be purchased in response to any request. These situations are also protected within the framework of the KVKK Law No. 6698.

Because, as a result, this information flow must be in question in order to provide the service offered to the customer in the way they want and in the best quality way. Even this situation is protected within the framework of KVKK numbered 6698. In other words, this exchange between the institutions providing the service is controlled within the framework of the KVKK No. 6698 and efforts are made to ensure that there is no contradiction. This sharing of data is protected by law.

Here, too, the KVKK Law No. 6698 protects the disclosure of personal information and data to third parties, their storage, use, modification or processing as a normal thing under certain conditions and regulations.

Reliable Protection

The best protection of your received and stored information may be your greatest desire. All people want this personal and personal data to be well protected, which they have to give in some way. Here, it is stated how your personal data is protected, including on this site.


TR, name and surname, address, telephone and many other personal data received for the realization of the transactions; also accordingly, including the login passwords used to enter the site,
All kinds of written and oral documents used while communicating,
It also protects the protection of the information that you have shared through various social media accounts, which can be learned very easily, by preparing various databases and with the protection methods connected to it.
In this way, your personal information is protected in the best way and in accordance with the legislation within the framework of KVKK No. 6698.

KVKK No. 6698 Pre-Law Protection

Law No. 6698 on KVKK entered into force on April 7, 2016. This may cause people to wonder how the information I provided in transactions I made before this date will be protected, or whether it will be protected.

However, before this date, that is, before the KVKK Law No. 6698 was enacted, the protection of this personal information and data, which was obtained in accordance with the law, is done in the best way. In this way, it has been seen that the KVKK Law No. 6698 is also effective retrospectively. This is a very important study and development for this personal data and information of people. Again, this protection is done on this site.

Transfer of Information

The information you have provided can be transferred to centers both in the country and abroad, provided that various protections are provided. It is one of the biggest form conditions that these transfer transactions are carried out in accordance with the KVKK Law No. 6698. Companies or institutions that know that they will face many different sanctions if these rules are not followed, are very important in this regard.

He's trying to be meticulous.

The KVKK Law No. 6698, which ensures the reliable use of this information disseminated by domestic and international centers, has high quality and appropriate provisions to address the concerns of many people. With this legislation in question, the rights of people in this regard are now protected in a much more comfortable and high quality way. Therefore, you can receive service with peace of mind in the service offered by this site and knowing that your personal data is protected in the most appropriate way by the provisions of the law.

Places and Institutions where Information is Shared

Your personal data that you have provided as a result of this service you have purchased from the institution may be shared by all institutions with which this institution is in contact and cooperates.

Although an example of this is given;

Various supplier companies, banks providing finance, other institutions that the company cooperates with,
Intermediary firms, investors or other large and small companies within this framework,
By auxiliary companies that will help in emergencies,
It is quite normal for this data and information to be distributed among official institutions and organizations such as domestic or foreign partnerships of businesses carried out with a common mind.
However, it is also a risky operation. Because it is a definite opinion that many problems will arise in the time periods when the information that is circulating so much is devoid of the sanctions promised by a law such as KVKK No. 6698. However, with the KVKK law no. 6698 in question, all this information transfer is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation and within the secure service created by the site.

Information Protection and Security

This information, which is protected by the site, is protected by many different encryption techniques in the light of various technological developments. Of course, this protection is done in accordance with the legislation regulated by the KVKK No. 6698.

In the light of this regulation, it is prevented that this information is in the hands of third parties who have nothing to do with the business and who have bad intentions, or that it is in the hands of such authorities. When faced with a situation that violates such protections, the first thing to do is to report this violation to the Personal Data Protection Law.

As a result of this notification, the sanctions issued as a result of these violations are immediately put into action. These sanctions are quite a deterrent. For this reason, violations in this regard have decreased considerably since 7 April 2016. Penalties and sanctions determined by the legislation have a great share in this.

In all this reliable environment, people can take their services and meet their needs in this regard, believing that this personal data and information is protected. On this site, you can easily buy the purchase packages consisting of the number of followers, likes and views offered, and you can fulfill these services with peace of mind.

What Are the Rights of People Who Have Personal Information?

People provide their personal information for many different transactions. However, those who have personal data after or during these processes have many rights. Exercising these rights is among their most natural wishes.

So, what are these rights?

To find out whether their personal data is protected in the best way,
To learn whether your personal data is processed,
If there is any personal data that has been processed, to obtain information about them,
To learn the purposes and possible consequences of this processing,
To restrict the use of this personal data he has given,
Again, to ensure that this personal data he has given is completely deleted and destroyed,
It has many different rights, such as the compensation of the damage it has suffered in cases and transactions in violation of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, or knowing what the rights to claim a lawsuit are in this regard.
There are some basic reasons why these people who have personal data have so many rights and are protected so well. This means that the person is on the weaker side compared to the institutions in question. Because, just like the relationship between an employee and an employer, there is a power difference between the people who want to exercise their rights and the companies that offer this service.

For this reason, the weak and in need of protection is protected by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data. You may wonder what your rights are when you benefit from the services of this site or when you do business with companies that offer such services.

It will be easy for you to use these rights when you know what they are. Because, although the customer and the owner of personal data are protected, knowing their rights will pave the way for the law and will accelerate it even more. It is your most natural right and duty to exercise your rights.

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